Reliable in-store customer help centre

Elevate customer loyalty, satisfaction and revenue growth with the powerful wearable assistance cWatch® delivers!

Deliver customer-friendly assistance everytime

cPanel help centre

Your customers need a wide range of support – and you need to deliver it right. From product availability and pricing to warranty details, placing our central cPanel help centre in an easy-access location will establish the one-stop support point your customers will love.

With a single tap, a help request is distributed automatically across the relevant staff, with cPanel’s vivid display informing the customer who’s heading over to help resolve their need. Immediate support at your customers’ fingertips – cWatch® makes it all possible.

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cPanel + cWatch® integration

cWatch® and cPanel integration unlocks a wonderful range of unique customer support capabilities – each helping you provide new heights of exceptional, professional service every time. 


Seamless integration ensures customers receive prompt, reliable assistance – enabling you to provide the fastest possible retail service and keep customers delighted.

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Instant help

Dedicated supporters

Ultra-short waiting time

Zero queuing

cPanel – unlocking customer assistance in under 10 seconds!

Customers commit to cWatch® stores

When you consistently serve customers quickly and professionally, they become committed clients. As enthusiastic brand ambassadors, your customers will voluntarily promote your products or services to friends, family, colleagues and across online communities. 

cWatch® ensures every customer is a brand ambassador in the making!

Brand ambassadors generate
20%+ revenue boost

Each day across Europe, 1,000+ top brand
employees rely on cWatch®

Personalise cPanel to power your brand

It is vital for successful retail businesses to maintain a consistent brand image across every customer touchpoint. Every element of cPanel can be customised to match your brand’s colours, communication standards and messaging tone – transforming it into your powerful, brand-accurate centre for streamlined customer assistance.

#1 customer support system reliability

Dedicated customer service representative occupied? No worries!

With the cWatch® notification system, help requests are simply forwarded to the next in a line of preset support personnel. And in exceptional situations where nobody is free, the request will go directly to the floor manager. Ensure you never leave a customer in search of support with cWatch®.

Set a dedicated team per cPanel to ensure the fastest, most professional service

Assign employees to handle customer inquiries in the absence of dedicated personnel

Manager informed in exceptional situations that no employees available to support.

First line

Second line

Third line

cWatch is not only a big time-saver for me but also a valued aid for my shop floor colleagues. It expedites our processes, reducing waiting times and boosting overall efficiency. I see it’s a game-changer for us and for every high-paced retail environment.

Sophie Vranckx

Store manager at AD Delhaize Wezemaal

Continuously improve service
levels with cDashboard data

With cDashboard and cPanel onboard, you can make vital strategic choices based upon real-time numbers generated by your team. With accessible data insights at your fingertips, you can make ongoing customer service refinement decisions effortlessly and actionably.

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